Sunday, December 03, 2006

Wile E.

I took easy this weekend. My leg is still a little sore from the ski boot on Thanksgiving, but it is getting better. It snowed on Wednesday and Saturday this week. I think that was the first measurable snow in Lakewood since the blizzard that made national news. We got ten inches at my place on Wednesday; I'm not sure about Saturday. Wednesday's snow was still around. Anyway I went for a short walk along Bear Creek. The coyotes have been more active lately. I've noticed them running around a lot more. Their howling actually woke me up one night.

Can you find the Coyote?

I have updated my FlickR site with my November pictures. So if you want see to additional pictures of hiking and skiing, Click Here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found the coyote. Take care of your foot. Pops