Monday, August 31, 2009

No Surrender (Part II)

So I have a request for pika pictures, eh? It is real difficult to get a good picture of those little critters. They are shy, they move a lot, and they blend with the rocks. One has to be lucky, good, and/or patient to get a good picture of a pika. I was just tired and happy on my La Plata Peak hike. So I don’t really have a good picture of a pika from this hike. The best picture I have of a pika during my time in Colorado is from a previous hike a few years ago. It is not that great, but it is the best I have so far. Click here for that post. However, I do have a picture from the La Plata Peak with a pika in it. Good luck at finding the pika though.

Look! There is a pika on the rock. Seriously, there is one.

I also have a video with a noisy pika. The picture quality is quite poor. I need one of those HD cameras that were used on Discovery Channel’s “Planet Earth”. Maybe I’ll get one for Christmas:)


Cara said...

I heard the pika.

gg said...

I heard him too, and I think I saw him!
He is a noisy little fella.